access rights on network (OS X)
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thomas olbrich
2008-12-08 08:49:01 UTC
It appears that expression media 2 does not allow to delete an image from the
catalog PLUS the according file from the harddisk as long the file is stored
on a network volume. Whereas the menu/options/windows seem to allow this it
results in an error message about missing access rights.

How can I give access rights for network volumes to Expression Media 2 in
mac/OS X 10.5.5 - ?

- thomas
Sekar Raju
2008-12-11 21:12:56 UTC
Hello Thomas,

This is a known issue and happens when the shared folder/volume is
connected via AFP and does not happen with SMB shares. Currently there is
no resolution available to resolve or work around the issue and has been
documented for further investigation.

You may have to find some other way of accessing the files for delete
action such as hosting files on a Windows share connected via SMB if
possible or use Show Media File option and delete the files on Finder.

Sekar Raju
Expression Media Support.
2008-12-12 13:13:01 UTC
The workaround that I found was to create a "discarded" folder somewhere at
the top of the same directory tree as the images on the share.
- drag the items you want to delete to the "discarded" folder. This moves
the images to that location
- remove the images from the catalog
- empty the "discarded" folder manually using the Finder
This should enable you to keep things in sync.
thomas olbrich
2008-12-17 10:10:00 UTC
Henk, thank you. The manually workaround is the way we do it momentarily.
Though it often needs quite a lot single steps in the finder to pick every
image which is supposed to be deleted: usually we get volumes with many
folders and images, each in a low and a hi resolution file. To filter the low
res images to delete them is much easier in iView / Expression media 2 than
in the finder.
thomas olbrich
2008-12-17 10:01:03 UTC
Post by Sekar Raju
This is a known issue and happens when the shared folder/volume is
connected via AFP and does not happen with SMB shares. (...)
Thank you, Sekar,

its good to hear about your awarness and to feel informed about its origin.

But since image catalogs are often used for layout applications I would
appreciate very much to get corrected this error in an update:

1. The combination of OS X and Adobe InDesign can not handle image files
properly which are stored on a Windows volume which is mounted via SMB: those
images often result in a lack of the link within InDesign on reopening the

2. Also SMB in combination with OS X appearently has a bad occurence: the
file names on the Windows volume become changed if they contain more than 21
letters or contain some certain glyphs (which usually are no problem for both
OS X and Windows if seperately seen).

These two issues made us install/activate AFP instead SMB for those volume
as recommend by Adobe.

Thank you for understanding and help,
- thomas
Sekar Raju
2008-12-17 22:48:09 UTC
Hello Thomas,

Thanks for the update and I understand your concerns around using volumes
connected via SMB. It appears Expression Media inherited this issue from
its predecessor, iView MediaPro 3 and definetly a known, unresolved issue.
I would suggest submitting your feedback at Microsoft Connect website.
Feedbacks submitted here will directly go to our database and will be
reviewed by our developers later.


Sekar Raju
Expression Media Support.
